What is My Purpose?

Many have asked this question, but few truly understand what it feels like to deeply feel connected to their greatest desire.  We are speaking of the work dimension, not more personal needs and wants.

So, what is stopping many from feeling this connection?  There is a spark within that grows brighter or dimmer depending on acknowledgement, acceptance and worth.  If you were to acknowledge, I have a purpose and give yourself permission to spark and connect to this purpose what would you feel?  Try now and take note of your feeling(s).

Place yourself in a meditative state to do this using your breath.

Being connected to a higher or greater purpose does not mean it must be on a grand or global scale.  It does not mean it must be life changing.  It simply must be of greater meaning to you.

Place your hands over your heart centre and breathe into this space.  Relax into your breath and decide to put to one side the feelings that may be obstructing a clear connection to your heart.  Ask your heart some questions and then listen.

What will bring me joy?  If I was to create this, what will it gift me?  Am I ready to begin?  Who can I ask for support and connection?  What would happen if I was to be myself?

Breathe deeply and let go of the answers you have received.

Decide if you wish to accept the answers you received.  Believe in your ability to create.  Ask your heart where do I begin and allow love to light your path ahead.


What is Preventing Me from Seeing Myself Create My Purpose?


Who Do You Think You Are?